Our Complaints Procedure

Making a Complaint

We strive to provide the highest quality of service to whatever level of service agreement you have chosen; we hope there is never cause for complaint. However, we do know that mistakes happen and therefore we have a robust policy for dealing with complaints.

In the first instance, a complaint should be directed in writing to: -

Fairfield Wealth Limited,
One High St,
St Peter Port,
GY1 2LZ.

You can make a complaint verbally, and will require that the compliant be formalised if you do not feel you have achieved resolution within 24 hours.

After 24 hours as a matter of procedures we will request that you formalise the verbal complaint as this will be treated in line with our complaints procedure. 

Or by email to joe@fairfieldwealth.gg or our Compliance Officer hayden@fairfieldwealth.gg

Our Procedure

We will respond acknowledging the complaint within 5 working days.

We will then respond within 2 weeks with our response.

If we are unable to respond fully we will advise you of what actions and investigations are taking place with expected timescales.

From then on if a complaint remains open we will update you once a month.

If for whatever reason we are unable to resolve or you feel we have not managed to resolve your complaint, and we have provided our final response, then you have the right to contact the Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman to help settle your complaint. 

Channel Island Ombudsman (CIFO)

The Ombudsman can be contacted in writing

Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman (CIFO),
PO Box 114,
Jersey. JE4 9QG,

Call: +44 (1481) 722218
email: enquiries@ci-fo.org,
or www.ci-fo.org